Energy Boost

Blend of 100% essential oils for energy and refreshment

This essential oil blend is designed for moments when you need to boost energy, uplift, and refresh. It contains refreshing citrus (orange, pink grapefruit) and eucalyptus, which purifies, disinfects, and adds lightness to the blend.

The oil blend is suitable for the office, study, classroom, yoga studio, etc., and we recommend using it during the day.

For use in aroma lamps, aroma diffusers, inhalation sticks, radiator evaporators. Also suitable for saunas. For a quick effect, we recommend using a spray bottle.

Volume 10 ml

In case of allergic reaction, discontinue use. Avoid contact with eyes, rinse with water in case of contact.

11.49 EURIncl. VAT INCL. 0.11 EUR / g
EAN: 8594190767024
Producer: Almara Soap
Availability:in stock
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Selected basic ingredients



Orange trees are trees, rarely shrubs. They likely originate from the subtropical border areas of China and Vietnam, and do not grow wild anywhere. In the 15th century, they were brought to Europe by Portuguese traders and soon after to America following its discovery. Today, they are widespread in all subtropical regions, but they do not thrive in the tropics due to excessive humidity. They are the most cultivated citrus fruits in the world.

The fruits are a quality source of vitamin C and are consumed fresh, canned, or pressed into refreshing juice. Nearly 90% of orange production is processed industrially. Pectin is extracted from the peels, and primarily essential oils, which are used for flavoring food and in cosmetics, with lesser use in medicine for making tinctures.

The flowers are used for their fragrance and flavor as a modifying ingredient in various tea blends. In folk medicine, the petals are used boiled with salt to calm nerves, against asthma, high blood pressure, fever, and vomiting, and boiled with sugar to combat loss of appetite.

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Grapefruit is the fruit of a subtropical tree of the same name and originates from Barbados. A grapefruit weighs around 0.5 kg, and its flesh is very juicy and slightly bitter. The skin of the fruit is yellow, and the flesh can be white, red, yellow, or pink. The fruit contains a high amount of vitamin C, B1, and K, as well as flavonoids, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, beta-carotene, and more. It also contains furanocoumarins, which can affect the effects of certain medications, so caution is advised. Grapefruit is not only a delicious food, but a tincture is also made from the tree's buds, an extract from the seeds, and essential oil from the peel.

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Eucalyptus is a tall tree native to Australia, from whose dark green leaves eucalyptus essential oil is extracted. The essence of eucalyptus has a very penetrating menthol scent, while also possessing a balsamic to camphor-like aroma. Eucalyptus oil primarily contains eucalyptol, which has been confirmed to have strong anti-inflammatory effects.

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