
INCI Vaccinium vitis-idaea 
Other names Brusinka, červená borůvka, kyselinka, kalina, kalinka, brusnice obecná, brusnice kyhanka


Cranberry is an evergreen dense shrub with glossy leaves. It grows to a height of 10-30 cm. The fruit is a red berry. The fruits ripen from July to October and contain small brown seeds. Cranberries are edible, but fresh ones have a sour to bitter taste.

It thrives best in a temperate climate, and can therefore be found mainly in the forests of Central and Northern Europe, Asia, and America. It grows in light forests, heathlands, peat bogs, and on rocks.

Effects and Uses

Cranberries have beneficial effects on health. They contain fiber and powerful antioxidants that fight against various infections. They are a source of vitamins C, B, K, and E, as well as minerals such as magnesium, potassium, manganese, and phosphorus. They are primarily known for treating urinary tract infections, but they also strengthen the immune system, prevent tooth decay, strengthen teeth and bones (mainly due to calcium), and serve as a prevention against heart diseases.

Cranberries are frequently used in the kitchen for making juices, compotes, or smoothies. They are also used dried, for example, in baked goods instead of raisins or for preparing sauces. In folk medicine, the fruit is used to make teas, while the leaves and occasionally the flowers are also utilized.

In cosmetics, we use powder from freeze-dried fruits as a natural dye.


Photo: © Asakalaskas |

Products containing Cranberry