
INCI Plantago lanceolata 
Other names Plantago lanceolata Leaf Extract, beraní jazyk, psí uši, skorocel, hojínek, ranocel, babí list


Plantago lanceolata is a perennial herb that can grow up to 30 cm tall, found in meadows, grassy areas, field margins, wastelands, and along roadsides. You may also find it growing in the grass of your own garden. It has elongated, lanceolate leaves and small brownish flowers. In ancient manuscripts, it is referred to as the "mother of herbs." It contains mucilage, citric acid, silica, enzymes, tannins, vitamin C, bitter compounds, coumarins, potassium salts, zinc, and the glycoside aucubin (an anti-inflammatory agent). The parts typically harvested include the leaves, but also the roots, flowers, and seeds. Crushed plantain leaves were applied to wounds for faster healing, and from the plant, we can prepare tea, poultice, tincture, macerate, or syrup.

Flowering period: May - September.

Effects and Uses

Plantago lanceolata has antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, cleansing, and healing properties. Due to these effects, it is excellent in cosmetic products designed to treat various skin irritations, such as abrasions, acne, burns, minor injuries, or eczema, and to aid in their healing or generally soothe the skin.

When taken internally, it helps with diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems, cleanses the blood, stomach, and lungs, and acts against gallstones.

Products containing Plantain