Stevia rebaudiana

INCI Stevia rebaudiana
Other names stévie cukerná, sladká tráva, medové lístky


Stevia originates from South America, where it can grow up to 50 cm tall. It is an evergreen and perennial plant. The sweet compounds known as steviosides are found throughout the plant except in the roots. It is valued for its medicinal properties and high sweetness, making it a popular sugar substitute. Stevia is calorie-free, making it suitable for diabetics as well. It is available in the form of tablets, liquid extract, or powder.

Effects and Usage

Stevia reduces fatigue, supports digestion, is effective in treating acne, dermatitis, and eczema, balances blood pressure, and has antibacterial properties. In South America, it is still used as traditional medicine by indigenous people.

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Products containing Stevia rebaudiana