
INCI Hedera helix
Other names Ivy
We use in our products ivy extract


Hedera is a climbing plant that can grow up to 6 meters long, featuring dark green, three-lobed leaves, which you surely recognize as a year-round decoration for many garden walls and fences. The flower is small, yellowish-white, and produces berries that fully ripen only in spring. The leaves contain mainly saponins, glycosides, hederin (helixin), hederin glycosides, and tannins. The ancient Celts revered this plant as medicinal and used it in magical rituals.

Leaf collection: year-round. Flowering period: September to October.

Effects and Usage

Ivy has healing, anti-inflammatory, cleansing, softening, and firming effects. It prevents hair loss and the formation of dandruff, helps heal inflammatory lesions, and prevents the spread of infections and fungi on the skin. Fresh leaves are particularly suitable as a compress for wounds. Due to its firming properties, ivy is also great for combating cellulite. When taken internally, it has a positive effect on the gallbladder and respiratory issues. However, caution is advised! Inappropriate dosing can make ivy mildly toxic, so we do not recommend it for internal use.

Products containing Ivy