Nature Against Cold

The cold season is back! They come out of nowhere, seem completely innocent, and can leave us down for weeks. You know it well. Often, in the hope of a quick recovery and under the influence of illness, you reach for the well-known "quick remedies" from pharmacies. Today, we will lift you from your warm beds in a completely natural way!

Nature Against Cold

Drink and Inhale Herbs!

Blocked sinuses, runny nose, and cough are common health issues. However, you don't have to rush to buy tablets and drops - reach for herbs instead. You can utilize their healing power in two ways!

Inhalation delivers healing substances deep into the respiratory tract. Herbs help with colds, combat viruses, and have soothing effects.

How to do it? Prepare a large pot/bowl, add a handful of herbs, and pour boiling water over them, just like when making a classic herbal tea. Wait a moment for the herbs to steep… You can also add essential oil, but only in small amounts, as it is very strong in hot water. Lean over the container, drape a towel over your head, and breathe slowly and deeply through your nose.

Nothing should be overdone, so follow these guidelines - inhale for a maximum of ten to fifteen minutes and, if you're sick, feel free to do it two or three times a day. Due to nausea, we do not recommend inhaling right after a meal. :)

The first three illustrative photos are from the service Pexels by users: cottonbro, lilartsi, and Nataliya Vaitkevich.

Which Herbs to Choose?

Choose a mix/single herbs that have proven effective in treating colds, such as:

  • Peppermint - It helps with colds due to its menthol content and its anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. It can naturally alleviate symptoms (cough, runny nose, fever, sore throat) and is also an effective preventive measure against viruses and bacteria.
  • Thyme / Oregano - Our well-known and beautifully fragrant herb or its Mediterranean variant are among the strongest plant antiseptics effective against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. They are an excellent disinfectant for the lungs, especially when congested.
  • Chamomile - Used for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, it has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects.
  • Lemon Balm - Inhaling it dissolves mucus, soothes coughs, and its citrus scent clears and calms the nasal mucosa. It helps with migraines, and our lemon balm bath (link) aids in muscle relaxation during a cold.
  • Ribwort Plantain - Thanks to its fragrant oil, it can unclog even the most blocked nose! For quick relief, simply rub a leaf between your fingers and deeply inhale its scent.

With Cold Days, You’re All Set!

In Almara Soap's offer, you will find a glass jar that is perfect for fighting colds! COLD DAYS is a natural balm with soothing effects. It boasts a concentrated blend of herbs and essential oils that will help you breathe freely again. Apply the balm directly to your chest, back, temples, the bridge of your nose, or you can even use it as a wrap!

Cold Days

Cold Days

Natural balm with warming and relaxing effects

16.99 EUR
SOS Balzám

SOS Balzám

Natural balm for irritated skin

16.99 EUR
Lip Balm | Original

Lip Balm | Original

Natural lip balm with a neutral scent

9.99 EUR

Homemade Cough Syrup!

We will share a proven recipe for plantain syrup! Plantain strengthens the upper respiratory tract, dissolves and loosens mucus, facilitates expectoration, and relieves bronchial inflammation.

You will need:

  • Two handfuls of dried plantain leaves / or 4 handfuls of fresh
  • A cup of honey / brown sugar
  • 100 ml of water

Let's get started! Finely chop the plantain leaves, place them in a larger pot, and pour hot water over them. Let them steep like tea and strain. Add sugar or honey to the warm infusion, which is the healthier and more medicinal option, and stir. Be careful! Honey loses its active ingredients, such as enzymes, at temperatures above 45-50 degrees Celsius, so do not boil the mixture or exceed this temperature. Pour into sterilized jars and store in the refrigerator. During a cold, take one teaspoon three times a day. :)

Well, just say it... with this arsenal of herbs, the cold doesn't stand a chance against us!

Almara Soap
Tips and advice