Common Mallow

INCI Glechoma hederacea 
Other names Glechoma hederacea Leaf Extract, Ground Ivy, popenec břečťanovitý, zádušník břečťanovitý
We use in our products mugwort extract


Common ground-ivy is an aromatic herb with creeping stems and blue-violet flowers, which has been used in folk medicine and as a protection against enchantment since the Middle Ages. It commonly grows on field margins, meadows, and at the edges of forests. It is quite invasive and spreads quickly. Both the herb and flowers are collected. It contains up to 7% tannins, glechoma, choline, organic acids, essential oil, saponins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, carotenoids, vitamin A, and vitamin C.

Blooming period: late March to June.

Effects and Uses

Common groundsel has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, soothing, and healing properties. It is excellent for the care of the skin all over the body, helping with eczema, rashes, poorly healing wounds, or varicose veins. It tones the skin and helps to slightly tighten pores.

When taken internally, groundsel positively affects diseases of the digestive and urinary systems. It treats coughs, acts against mucus buildup, and alleviates throat pain.

Products containing Common Mallow